Starting from left: White, Brown, Raw and Caster Sugar
Sugar makes life a bit sweeter in a variety of ways. Main courses, sauces, desserts and other edibles can contain this ingredient. You may or may not be aware that this tasty ingredient comes in various forms. While the standard one that most people are familiar with is the white sugar that is sold in most markets, there are also brown, raw and caster versions of it. We are going to discuss all these versions in this information to educate you on their characteristics since our company, Medfoods Australia, carries them.
Facts About White Sugar
White sugar is more commonly known by most as granulated sugar due to its texture, but some simply call it cane sugar. As the sugar cane is processed, 100% of the molasses is removed from it to create this sugar, and it is pure white. It has many uses from baked goods to sweetening cups of tea or coffee.
What Is Brown Sugar?
Brown sugar is a mixture of white sugar and molasses. Since it has the molasses in it, this sugar is softer than white sugar is and is moist. It is used in various types of baked goods along with other edibles.
Definition of Raw Sugar
Raw sugar is processed similar to white sugar except that it contains some of the molasses that is removed from the sugar cane. As a result, it has a golden brown colour and a caramel-like flavour. Unlike brown sugar, it has the same granulated texture as white sugar. Many consider white and raw to be interchangeable in cooking and baking but using raw sugar may alter the texture and flavour of the finished product has in comparison to using the white sugar.
Description of Caster Sugar
Caster sugar is a white sugar but with a finer granulation. For this reason, some called it superfine sugar. Its granules are between the size of the ones of white sugar and the ones of powdered sugar. Because of its extremely fine texture, caster sugar dissolves faster in beverages, baked goods and other edibles. Also, it is ideal to dust cakes, muffins and cookies with on their surfaces.
Medfoods Also Offers an Icing Sugar Mixture
Our company also offers an Icing Sugar Mixture that contains cane sugar and a tapioca starch base. It is ideal for cream fillings and cake icing.
Browse through our website or contact us to learn additional information about these sugar products. Also, we carry a wide assortment of other local and imported foods from various places in the world.