Middle Eastern and Mediterranean beans are healthy, energising food choices for inclusion in your daily diet. Not only do they supply essential protein for muscle-building and tissue maintenance in the body, they also contain a wide array of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, A, and E and the B vitamins along with iron, calcium and phosphorous. Vegetarians and vegans are advised by knowledgeable nutritional experts to consume healthy amounts of excellent quality beans in their daily diets to ensure that their intake of protein and other essential nutrients is sufficient for glowing good health.
Health-Promoting Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Beans that Fit Your Daily Diet
• Broad Fava Beans. – In the Mediterranean regions, vicia faba, also known as broad beans and fava beans, are produced by a flowering plant species named Fabaceae. This plant of the pea and bean family has been cultivated throughout past centuries as an important food. Today, this plant is frequently used as a cover crop, which currently produces a smaller sized bean called the bell bean.
• Soya Beans. – Soya beans, or soybeans, are a legume that originated in East Asia and parts of the Middle East. This bean variety is used to produce fat-free soybean meal, which is a low-cost source of healthy protein for both humans and animals. Soya beans are high in nutritional counts of protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, iron and Vitamins A, D, B6 and C.
• Mung Beans. – Mung beans, also known as green gram, maash, moong or mudga, are a legume species that has long been cultivated in East and Southeast Asia, India and in areas of the Middle East. This bean is known to add texture and flavourful character to both sweet and savoury dishes. The nutritional contents of mung beans include potassium, fiber, magnesium and Vitamins A, D and C.
Beans have long been a staple item in the diets of many communities around the globe since they are easy and low-cost to cultivate in the milder climates. Because these healthy beans contain a wide variety of natural nutrients, they have been used as the major foods for meals in many diverse locations and cultures worldwide. Beans are also easy to harvest and export to distant locales, making them viable crops to cultivate for sale.
When you consult the experts of Medfoods, Australia’s finest supplier of Middle Eastern food products, you will benefit from excellent advice and information concerning different nutritious varieties of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean beans. Our natural foods and nutrition experts will also suggest our finest bean choices and products to include in your daily diet for enhancing your health and well-being.