Since 2003, Medfoods in Melbourne has been a primary supplier of Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and other international foods to the Australian market. If you are a distributor of specialty food for your local markets, Medfoods offers you the great advantage of supplying customers in your locale with premium quality international food choices that are packed securely and attractively, ready to be offered for sale. Medfoods also offers these ultimate quality specialty foods in bulk for the benefit of distributors and their client marketplaces.

Pure Wheat and Barley Products Available from Medfoods Australia

Top quality pure wheat and barley products currently available from Medfoods include the following popular choices:

• Cracked Barley.
Barley grits, or cracked barley, is a household staple food throughout Morocco. It is frequently used in savoury soups such as pepper-flavoured Hssoua Belboula Hamra. By cooking the barley until it is tender (40 to 50 minutes) and simmering it with tomatoes, onions and Moroccan seasoning, you will have the ideal light, nutritious meal that requires very little preparation. As a good source of the fiber, beta-glucan, barley is thought to reduce bad cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

• Barley Pearled. – Pearled barley is processed whole grain barley. It is processed for removing its fibrous external hull and then polished for removing its bran layer. Milled pearl barley is used to make fine barley flour for use in baking and other food preparations. This form of barley is the one most often used in food preparation since it cooks more rapidly (in 20 to 30 minutes) and is more tender than other varieties of this grain that are less processed like hulled barley. Pearled barley is commonly used to make soups, stews and porridge. Along with promoting lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body, pearled barley can also improve digestion.

• Kibbled Wheat. Cracked (kibbled) wheat if produced from whole raw wheat berries that are cut into very small pieces or crushed. It can be used as a wholesome cereal for eating with fresh fruits and berries or combined with other natural grains as a cereal or grain for baking and preparing soups, stews and sauces for vegetable or meat dishes. This form of wheat is a good source of selenium, manganese and folate, and it can help to boost the metabolism and reduce obesity while supporting good digestion.

• Habia. Peeled wheat, or habia, is a popular ingredient in Middle-Eastern cooking. It is produced from hulled wheat berries and has a mild nut-flavoured appeal and a chewy texture after cooking. The usual method of preparing habia includes boiling it in milk or water (for 45 minutes to an hour) until the grain becomes softened. Habia may be an ingredient in cooked vegetable and meat dishes or used in combination with other grains in cereals or porridge. This form of wheat offers additional health benefits of helping to prevent gallstones and boosting energy. It contains such nutrients as phosphorus, copper, manganese and niacin.

As a distributor of Middle Eastern foods in your locality, you can obtain ultimate quality wheat and barley products from our experts at Medfoods, a leading supplier of Middle Eastern and other international foods to the Australian market. Medfoods is the leading source of these specialty food items for Melbourne and its surrounding regions.

When you align with our experienced Medfoods suppliers as the source of international foods for your local markets, all of the residents and customers in your city and its neighborhoods will gain major benefits from these wholesome, natural and pure food products.